Little steps to healthier life and fit courgetti carbonara!

Isn't information about healthy lifestyle overwhelming? Millions contradicting opinions on what is healthy and what isn't can really make your head explode. I found that implementing small changes and adjusting habits can really make a difference without turning your life upside down.

Who doesn't like good pasta? Quick, easy, delicious...what if I told you that you can still enjoy your carbonara without feeling heavy for the rest of the evening?

Serves 2

2 Spiralized courgettes (or if you don't want to go down deep end straight away just use wholewheat spaghetti)
100g smoked pancetta
100g greek yogurt
2 egg yolks
handful of grated parmesan cheese
salt, pepper, nutmeg
fresh basil

First prepare the sauce. In the bowl mix the greek yogurt with egg yolks, majority of parmesan, salt, pepper and pinch of nutmeg. Set aside.
Fry the pancetta without any oil until crispy and release nice amount of fat. Add courgettes and fry for 2 minutes max until just hot. Take of the heat and pour the sauce over courgettes. Leave in the frying pan tossing around until all warms up a bit. Sprinkle with remaining parmesan and basil leaves and enjoy!

Small changes make a difference:-)


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